Best Birch Gold Group IRA – Precious Metals IRA 2023

Birch Gold Group IRA – When looking for a gold IRA company one of the names that regularly crops up is the Birch Gold Group. This is a popular company that specializes in helping individuals secure their futures by investing in gold and other precious metals.

Birch Gold Group IRAs

Birch Gold Group IRA

This group has been around for several years now, with management and staff that are clearly experienced. The company has a well-laid-out website that gives clear and concise information about itself and the services that it offers. It looks like it could be a good company to use, so let’s explore whether this is the case…

Birch Gold Group IRA

Website Content

The company’s website has information about their background, the advantages of rolling over a 401k into a gold IRA and facts about the industry as a whole. It also talks about itself in a positive light and emphasizes how good the company will be for new customers. This is to be expected of course, since no company will criticize itself on its own website. Is there too much information about itself on the website? When a company over-emphasizes how good it is one sometimes has to wonder about the quality of the services. Using the power of the internet anyone can research Birch Gold Group to see if there are enough positive customer reviews to back up the website’s claims.

Birch Gold Group IRA Plans

Consumer Advocacy

Two third-party organizations are mentioned on the Birch Gold Group website. One is the Better Business Bureau and the other is Trustlink.

The Birch Gold Group Better Business Bureau

The Birch Gold Group website says that the company is both accredited and has an A+ rating through the Better Business Bureau. While this is true, there has been some controversy surrounding BBB accreditation and ratings.

To receive an A+ rating, a company must be accredited. To be accredited, a company must pay the BBB a fee. This fee makes many think the highest rating of the company is nothing more than a pay-to-rate scenario. There has been fallout over this practice, leading some branches of the BBB to leave the organization and strike out on their own. It’s hard to fault the logic and the BBB seems to be in no hurry to change this protocol.

The Birch Gold Group Trustlink

Although the reviews from Trustlink are all consumer-driven, distrust in this service comes from the fact the Better Business Bureau is the one that set up and runs the Trustlink site. If the BBB uses a system that seems like companies must pay to get good ratings, how can the information on Trustlink be reliable? Since the Birch Gold Group is a willing participant in both of these organizations, further online research is recommended.

Insufficient Information

Outside of the two services that the Birch Gold Group mentions on its own website, there isn’t a lot of independent information to be found about the company online. This could be good or bad. It could be good because complaints and poor customer reviews have a way of showing up on the internet. It could be bad in the sense that anyone researching the company doesn’t have enough information to form a cohesive opinion.

CONTACT: (800) 355-2116
Central Park Building
3500 W Olive Ave, Suite 300
Burbank, CA 91505


Personal Check Payments:
PO Box 743054
Los Angeles, CA 90074-3054

Supporting Documents:
2708 Foothill Blvd #321
La Crescenta, CA 91214

Check out other GOLD IRAs

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